We Deliver Outstanding Specialized Patient Care


Fast answers for busy Doctors and Patients: 

When a patient has a retinal problem, answers are needed fast.  Denver Retina Center P.C., headed by Dr. Diana Reeves a retinal specialist, is driven to provide those answers quickly and thoroughly.


Prompt scheduling and hassle free appointments: 

We do our best to schedule times as convenient for our clients as possible.  You can call directly to (303) 220-0393 to make an appointment for your patient.  If you prefer to make appointments by email, send the referral information to diana.reeves@comcast.net.


You can count on Denver Retina Center, P.C. for round the clock care for emergency patients. 

We have a retinal specialist on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Please call (303-220-0393) immediately.
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Dr. Diana Reeves